Your Donation Matters

We’re trusted by top foundations, corporations, and the UN. Your donation will help us keep the YEP program running


Where Your Donation Goes

Youth Empowering Parents is managed by a group of individuals who work hard to ensure your donations best support our cause. Our administration expenses are significantly lower than other charities, and each year dozens of volunteers help generate funds through various events. Each year YEP serves over 1,000 people. Your generous donations help us continue to enrich the lives of marginalized people in underserved communities.

Why your donation matters


$1 : $27 Social Return on Investment

External research finds every $1 spent by YEP generates $27 in societal return through improved employment outcomes, greater volunteerism, and enhanced social capital.

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Unlock Young People’s Potential

The communities and schools we operate in are ranked among the worst performing schools in student academic performance and behaviour. Participation in YEP improves social and academic abilities.


Immigrant Adults Need 1-on-1 Support

Every year 250,000 immigrants participate in language and integration programs. 30% of newcomers do not find them satisfactory to their learning needs (2012 survey by OCASI). By contrast, 99.6% of YEP participants find the program meets their learning needs.


Seniors Are Isolated

In a rapidly changing technological world, 3 of 4 people over age 65 say they require someone to teach them new technology one-on-one.

Our Champions

Supporting Donors